Jumat, 06 November 2015

Monday , 11/2/2015

actually, today I was too lazy to go to college. But it can't be helped right? Today is my first exam and even if I don't want to, I should go to and do my test. By the way, even though this is the first day, there are 3 tests. Last night, I had to study for these tests. I didn't even have time for playing. So I hope that my tests could be well.
When I finished all my tests, I think I can do it well. But I can't be too confident, the result isn't published yet. I had some problems when I did my test. First, the classroom was so hot I can't really concentrate. Then, I got a broken seat, actually it's not broken but the table was tilted. And it made my head hurts too.
Tomorrow, I have 2 tests. It's already 7 p.m and i haven't study yet.
I should go study now.
Bye !

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