Rabu, 16 September 2015

FROZEN - Disney Movie


In the Kingdom of Arandelle, there was a princess named Princess Elsa who has the power of freezing and creating ice and snow. She lives with her younger sister, Anna.
One day in the middle of the night, Anna tries to wake Elsa up to play with her. At first, Elsa refuses her. Until Anna asks "Do you wanna build a snowman?" which makes Elsa agree.
After that, they go to the ballroom. Elsa makes many snow crystals, she shoots into the air. She makes a snowman named Olaf, they play cheerfully. Accidentally, Elsa hits Anna in her on the head with her power which turning several strands of her hair white and almost kills Anna. Their parents bring Anna to the trolls that save Anna's live and make her forget about that incident. 
There's a boy named Kristoff with his reindeer, Sven, who saw it all. 
After go back to the castle, her parents ask Elsa to wear gloves so that her power won't go under control. And now the castle is closed for all visitors.
Elsa maintain herself recluse in her room because of the fear of hurting Anna. As Elsa grows up, her power is increasing. Sometimes Anna comes to Elsa's closed door and asks her to play together but no answer from Elsa.
Few years later, they become orphans when their parents ship was wiped out by a wave and drowning them.
When Elsa turns 21 years old, the castle makes a preparation to make her the next kingdom's queen. Elsa is nervous about emerging from her seclusion and receiving many visitors. And the fact that she will become the next queen, makes her even more nervous. 
When the castle gates open, Anna so happy and rush into city as she sings "For The First Time in Forever". She bumps into a man named, Hans. Hans piqued her interest once she looks his good side.
Later, Anna go back to the castle and meets Elsa. At first, they were nervous because it's been long since they have talked to each other. Afterwards, they have a normal conversation like how it used to be.
Anna takes Hans to the ballroom and dance together as they sing "Love is an Open Door". Then, Hans proposes Anna, she agrees.
They head back to Elsa's side. Anna asks Elsa for her blessing. Of course, Elsa is shocked by Anna's story which makes her deny the marriage proposal. Then Elsa finally confess to Anna about her power and explains that it's not wise to marrying a man she just met. Anna is little upset the she had a fight with Elsa.
Unable to control her emotions, Elsa waves her hands and set off an eternal winter on the city. Panicking, Elsa flees and vanishes into the forest. Anna feeling bad because of her fault, Elsa left the city. Then, Anna volunteers to find out Elsa by herself so she asks Hans to stay and take care the Kingdom.
Meanwhile, Elsa found a new place in the mountain and she builds her own castle with her power. it become a very beautiful ice castle. Later, she realizes that being on her own makes she can begin to control her power better, and she feels she can be herself without harming the other. As she walks, she sings "Let it Go".
On the other side, Anna is struggling on her journey. She meets a man named, Kristoff. Then, Anna and Kristoff teams up and go to find Elsa in the mountain.
The next morning, they enter the Mountain area and Anna sees a beautiful ice castle. Anna has no doubt that it is Elsa's castle. They suddenly hear a new voice and meet a talking snowman named Olaf. When they get to the front door, Anna asks Kristoff and Olaf to wait outside.
Inside of the castle, Anna is stunned by the interior and amazed by Elsa's new appearance. Elsa suggests Anna to leave and go back to the kingdom. But Anna refuses and tells Elsa about eternal winter that happened in the city. Elsa is surprised to learn about the eternal winter and she doesn't know how to turn it back. But Anna insists her to go back to the kingdom, they can solve this problem together. It only makes Elsa become more panic and nervous so she strikes an ice blast and it hits Anna's heart. Elsa in her depression, creates a giant snowman to throw them out.
As they go back to the kingdom, Kristoff notices that Anna's hair started to turn white. So, Kristoff takes Anna to his family. Kristoff's family is a group of trolls. Later, Kristoff tells his family about Anna's condition. The head of the troll tells them that Anna's heart begin to freeze because of Elsa's power. Only the true love that can save Anna. Anna tells Kristoff that her true love is Hans in the kingdom.
Meanwhile in the city, Hans gives order to his guards to go to Elsa's castle and shoot her down. The next morning, Hans and his guards arrive at Elsa's castle. They had a fight but unfortunately, Elsa got hit by the falling chandelier and makes her unconscious.
When Elsa wakes up, she already brought by Hans back to the kingdom with her hands chained. Then Hans asks Elsa to stop the winter. She said to Hans that she can't and don't know what to do.
Kristoff finally brings Anna back to the kingdom. Anna's condition gotten worse and her hair now completely white. Anna enter the castle alone then Kristoff leaves the kingdom. When Anna meets Hans, she asks him to kiss her so that her frozen heart can be healed. But Hans refuses her and says that he doesn't love her. Anna looks at him in shock, Hans claims that he wants to marry Anna because he just want the position in the kingdom. However, with Anna's condition now, Hans is not willing to help her and let her heart froze to death. Hans plans to kill Elsa to end the winter. Anna stops Hans, but he leaves her and locks her in the room.
Meanwhile, far from the city, Kristoff looks back at the city and saw a mysterious cloud. So, he decides to go back to kingdom and meet Anna. As he arrives at the castle, he sees Anna from the window and calling her. Anna's body is freezing but still, she tries to reach out the window to exit from her room. When she meets Kristoff, she asks Kristoff to find Elsa. 
As Anna looks around, she sees Hans about to stab Elsa, so she runs to Hans and blocks his knife. As she blocks Hans's knife, the frozen heart turning Anna into ice statue. Elsa is shock and bursts into tears. She hugs Anna. At the time she hugs Anna, Anna's body slowly changes back to normal. Saving Elsa is an act of true love. Then Elsa realizes that "love" can end the winter. So, she eliminates the ice and snow and brings back summer to the city.
Now everyone knows that Hans is a bad person, so they punish him. Kristoff is appointed to be an ice deliverer. And, Anna and Elsa are living happily now. 

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